. [ g-rated version ] . [ daddy version ] . [ what is this?? ] . [ external resources ] . [ >>> trophy wall ] . [ taken ] .


note:  this is not a complete collection by any means.  if yours isn't here, email me, and if you have a screenshot i'll add it.  no shade to anyone.


final screenshot: (why? see greeting page on TLPDdaddy.com)

Grats. Glad to help get you out of storm peaks finally.


10.22.22 . 17:56 . i'm out of the community building aspect, using that tool to sponge people up who need it, to make a big grab bag to pull from.  that was cancer, and nobody has time to moderate and properly screen people to get in there.  however, i am still finding TLPDs and getting them to campers.  unfortunately, this one didn't go as planned and the camper downed it too fast for me to get more people in.  that's ok. there were two others after this i got a few people to, each time, but did not get screenshots because i gave guide spot at the end, and didn't care to ask for screenshots.  i also found two additional dead TLPDs through the day I had nothing to do with.  is this a blog now?  word salad: out

10.19.22 . 11:10 . community deleted.  i'm out.  trolls and assholes have overrun the wow community and i just don't want to deal with it anymore. i was explaining how and why npctime's layer feature is the only real way to share useful information about kill times. not sure why two of the entries are shown as "unknown." doesn't matter, i guess. but i'm done. deleted the community. grateful to help those i helped. sorry i didn't get to more. i tried. but it's not healthy for me to continue. nobody should have to deal with trolls and assholes this much. robitzrogue got to be the last nail in the coffin.  good job bro. i'll just go back to being a ghost that randomly appears to drag people to TLPDs, like the good old days.

10.16.22 . 20:40 . proof I'm not just here to grab all your gold.

10.16.22 . 02:03

10.16.22 . 01:13

10.15.22 . 22:57

10.12.22 . 20:16

10.11.22 . 20:09

10.11.22 . 18:10

10.10.22 . 19:04

10.09.22 . 14:02 . i gave my guide spot up to get one more in, user submitted screenshot

10.08.22 . 14:28

10.08.22 . 10:45

10.08.22 . 00:32

10.07.22 . 23:29

10.07.22 . 20:01

10.05.22 . 18:50

10.02.22 . 16:28

10.02.22 . 16:06

10.02.22 . 11:50

10.01.22 . 01:15

9.30.22 . 23:47

9.28.22 . 17:55

9.27.22 . 21:10

9.27.22 . 20:22

9.26.22 . 21:07

9.26.22 . 18:25

9.26.22 . 17:47

9.25.22 . 21:42

9.24.22 . 00:10

9.23.22 . 23:39

9.21.22 . 22:58


- black hole in time.  getting used to a new job.  getting into this new method of camping.  the troll conversation from earlier got in my head, and resulted in this psychotic level of camping 10 different instances of storm peaks at the same time.


8.12.22 . 00:57

8.11.22 . 20:17

8.11.22 . 00:39

-------- older stuff not included at this time.  maybe one day i'll go digging through the old TLPDresource.com website materials and emails and so many other places I've shared these over the years.  This trophy wall is meant to immortalize the new phase in helping multiple people frequently, besides spending long periods of time to help a few people, far less frequently.